VALUES // Our Next Series

This weekend we have the privilege to display and define the values brought up in our February Congregational Assembly. These values, put out by the Mount Olive Council, are a great rallying point for us as the body of Christ in this neighborhood. They are the lenses through which we will view all activities of the church, the long-term vision of our church, the day-to-day operations of our church, but also the day-to-day workings of our individual lives. If you haven’t read these yet, take a moment to pore over them and especially read the section on Jesus because we will be starting with that essential value this Sunday. (I also wrote an earlier note on this value as well.)

Our jumping off point will be from Luke 10, the story of two sisters: Mary and Martha. Have you heard the names before? If you have, you might be familiar with several events of their life as Jesus connects with them in very personal and life-shaping ways. Jesus lets his lordship of their life create ripples of change to and for them.

If you haven’t heard about Mary and Martha (Luke 10:38-42), Sunday’s service will give you an opportunity to relate to what they experienced when Jesus entered their home and their life--they were forever changed by meeting and engaging with him. Take a look to see if you might want a little bit of what they got.

Blessings on your week!

In Christ Jesus’ good and powerful name,
Pastor Al